2025 Annual Operating Budget for
Mission and Ministry
As your parish asks you to make a commitment for your financial support in 2025, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness and generous grace to us. We are also thankful for your past faithfulness and generosity as well. St. Francis is the place where we are nurtured to live out the way of Christ’s love and service. We ask that you make a commitment to your relationship with God and support the mission and ministries of this wonderful spiritual family.
Come and build the Kingdom.
St. Francis is dedicated to involvement in the Community. Through our Outreach ministries we help to build the Kingdom of God.
Come and Worship.
We worship the Living God in our praise and worship. Our worship services are rooted in Anglican (Episcopal) traditions and incorporate elements of contemporary worship. We offer a variety of services throughout the week, including Sunday worship, Wednesday evening services, and special services during the liturgical seasons. Our music program features a talented choir and a wide range of musical styles.
Come and Grow.
We recognize the importance of cultivating our personal relationships with God and each other and nurturing our spiritual growth. To help meet these needs, St. Francis offers a Sunday morning class, Men's Bible Studies, Women's Bible Studies, and groups that meet for mid-week worship fellowship, and fun.
Watch our Live Stream.
If you’re unable to attend our services in person, please join us online for our Live Stream.
We live stream our 9 AM and 11 AM Sunday Worship services, as well as additional seasonal services throughout the year. Visit this page while the service is in progress to watch the live steam.
To see past live stream services, please visit this link.
Get Inspired.
If you can’t make it in person, we understand - we want you to feel inspired anyway!
Listen to a sermon by one of our clergy or occasional guest speakers on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or iHeart Radio by clicking on the appropriate image.
Give back to God.
Giving is an act of gratitude to God for His many blessings. We ask you prayerfully consider support of St. Francis and our ministries through a contribution.
As Stewards* of God’s Creation, we strive to give back to God, not to earn His Favor or Grace, but as a sign of our gratitude, and our desire to build the Kingdom according to His will.
* Stewardship is a theological belief that humans are responsible for the world, humanity, and the gifts and resources that have been entrusted to us.
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